Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Heart Behind It All

Pacing around the small room of the church, the Russian captain nodded towards the cross on the wall. “That is a lie, you know,” he said. “It’s just a piece of trickery you ministers use to delude the poor and make it easier for the rich to give you money. Come on now—we’re alone. Admit to me that you’ve never really believed Jesus Christ was the Son of God.”

Pastor “George” looked at the cross and then smiled. “Of course I believe it. It’s true.”

“I won’t have you play tricks on me!” cried the captain. He drew the revolver from the holster at his side and held it close to the minister’s body. “Unless you admit that it’s a lie, I will shoot you.”

“I cannot admit that, for it would be a lie,” said “George.” “Our Lord is really the true Son of God. Shooting me will not change that.” The captain flung the revolver to the floor. The pastor was surprised when the soldier grabbed him by the arms with tears in his eyes.

“It’s true!” cried the captain. “It is true. I believe, too. I could not be sure men would die for this belief until I found it out for myself. Oh, thank you! You have strengthened my faith. Now I, too, can die for Christ. You showed me how.”

Its stories, such as these pull at your heart strings. Tears fall from our face as we read of men and women ready to lay everything down for what they know to be true...for what we know to be true. Yet as we read stories of great men and women who adamantly refused to reject Christ, many may feel a pang of guilt. They know that if they were faced with such a decision they would probably reject Christ for fear of the torture or loss of life. They continually ask: What would drive a person to abandon everything for God?

The answer to such a question should always be: "Look at the heart behind it all." Fact is, God sent His Son to earth. He loved us so much, that even in the midst of our depravity, faithlessness and outright rebellion towards Him, He would sacrifice something so dear to Him to save us once and for all. Three very important things should be highlighted.

1) Jesus came with a Purpose. His purpose was to save humanity. His desires were always His Father's desires. God wanted to restore the relationship that was lost in the beginning between his most intimate creations, humans. Somehow, God has always had a love for the filthy sin laden creatures we are. Jesus' purpose was to reconcile us, to bring us back into the family. His one purpose was to save the lost, bring healing to the broken hearted and to set the captives free.

2) Jesus died with Passion. The definition for passion is a strong emotion or feeling. All throughout John 17, we are offered a glimpse into a prayer Jesus offered His Father. We can see the passion with which we are cared for. In this Chapter, only 4 verses are a prayed for Himself. The remaining 21 verses are a prayer for His followers and disciples. Jesus' passion is what drove Him to the cross. Some call that reckless abandonment. As for me, I call that sweet love.

3) Jesus rose victoriously. Death couldn't hold down the Son of God. The Bible mentions that Jesus took the Keys of life and death from the grasps of Satan. He then rose from the dead, completing what the Father sent Him to do. We were promised that as Christians, that the same power that raised Christ from the dead, would now reside on us. Not only that, but our works would be greater than those of Jesus'.

Everything these men and women do points back to Christ. Their actions are mirrors of what Christ already did. They have fallen so deeply and hopelessly in love with God, that giving up their life is considered to them a foolish and reckless thing NOT TO DO. As hearts are truly given to Christ, He transforms them radically. Once touched by His saving grace Christians should no longer be embarrassed by the cross. As G.K Chesterton once said, "Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair."

The disciples came to this realization. This is why most of the original 12 were imprisoned, tortured, beaten and subjected to horrific deaths.

The early church came to this realization. This is why early Christians were thrown into the Colosseum to be eaten and mutilated.

Modern day missionaries have come to this realization. This is why there are thousands now giving up everything to save souls from the grasps of hell.

C.T. Studd said, "Many wish to live within the sounds of a chapel bell but I wish to run a rescue mission within a yard of hell." Many have realized that Jesus' call was much more than living a comfortable life on earth and in heaven. The true difference makers spend time in intimate communion with the Father. As they develop this relationship they come to realize that there is a greater purpose and higher calling than themselves. They begin to search out God's will. Soon they become enraptured with His will, just like Jesus.

As the Holy Spirit transforms their hearts and minds, these men and women of the faith no longer care for things of the world. Luxury cars and million dollar houses are for fools. They begin to realize that this is not God's heart. His heart burns for the lost. His will is bent on saving every soul from an eternity without Him. Fueled by His passion and purpose they start to touch a broken world and bring hope to the hopeless. Awards and recognition are a thing of their old life.

Driven by His Spirit, some live to see great moves of God. Others, such as Jim Elliott, do not even start their ministry. However, God has a way of using their obedience for the greatest works. While Jim Elliott and his fellow missionaries were murdered before they even made contact with the Indians in Ecuador, God used their obedience to save an entire unreached people group.

The heart behind it all. This is the heart that God uses and transforms.

The heart behind it all. This is the heart that is obedient to Him abandoned to all fear and doubt that it may feel.

The heart behind it all. This is the heart that breaks for the things that breaks God's heart.

The heart behind it all. This is the heart the desires the things that God desires.

The heart behind it all. This is the heart that diligently seeks God in every area. It is the heart that forgives. It is the heart that has denied itself every right for the sake of others.

“Men choose a religion, but a Christian is chosen by Jesus Christ. To be a Christian means to belong to Christ. Jesus asked me to renounce even my life, to follow Him faithfully, not to fear the world even if my body must perish. I prefer to know that God, the Almighty, is with me, even if it means that the whole world is against me."

“I am in God’s hands. For 45 years I have walked with the God of miracles, and His goodness is for me a shadow that protects me in His love. The God of Daniel, who protected his friends, protected me during my nine years in prison, and all torments changed to my good, so that I have the fullness of love and gratitude. Of all the prophets, Jesus alone was resurrected from the dead, and He remains our living Mediator forever. I gave my life into His hands. For me, life is an opportunity to serve Him, and death is the privilege of getting to be with Him.”

Pastor Mehdi Dibaj of Iran was on trial for his life, and these words were the defense he gave in court. An upper-class Muslim, he and his family had converted to Christianity. He had dared to translate Christian radio programs and books into the Farsi language. He was arrested in 1985 and accused of apostasy, denying the Muslim faith. For this, he faced the death penalty. In Iran, social and political pressure is sometimes used to force Christians to recant their new-found faith in Jesus Christ. Some are even tortured. Dibaj was imprisoned alone for two years in a cramped hole with no room to stretch his legs. While he was in prison, his wife, Azizeh, left Dibaj and was forced to marry a Muslim. When Dibaj steadfastly refused to deny his faith, the court condemned him to death. But after one month he was set free because of international attention that had been brought to his case. Soon after this, however, he was found dead in a park. It is believed by some that Islamic leaders had called for his execution.

1 Timothy 6:11

"But you, man of God, flee from all this and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession..."

Fall deeply, Fall hopelessly.


  1. Amen.
    Very stirring, passion-provoking, genuine...
    And here in America it can be so hard to understand what it is to sacrifice all to live wholly for Him.

    I want to live a passionate life, a yard from hell, fighting the good fight.

    Great verse to end on. Thank you.

  2. Amen. Thank you for your continuous encouragement and challenge to live a life of holiness.

    Oh yes. Tell Rebecca I say hi. :)
