Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hell's Flames, Heaven's Gates

The other night I had a nightmare. I remember waking to a sense of fear and hopelessness. Once I woke, and the initial shock had worn off, it caused to me to start thinking about Hell, of all things. Then I realized the sense of dread that I had felt in that same moment, is one that millions are experiencing every day (except on a much greater scale), once they hear the words, " I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers." (Matthew 7:23)

In an age of political correctness and tip toeing around sensitive issues, I believe my generation has become desensitized to the real issues at hand. Fact is, Hell is a real place, and there are people spending their eternity without God, because we REFUSED to speak up. We didn't want to step on anyone's toes, because, "What if I have to defend my faith." or "I might offend someone's beliefs." My least favorite one is when my generation has taken to the asinine idea that somehow living like the world will show them how cool Christianity is, and how little effort it takes to get to Heaven.

Wrong...guess what, in the world's view, it sucks to be a Christian. I mean who would really truly want to give up life's riches and ambitions to surrender it all and take on a nature that is totally contrary to the environment in which we have been raised? Yet in our attempt to be nonchalant about the whole topic, we aren't attracting anyone to Christ. In fact we might as well be pushing them closer to Hell.

Fast forward to the day you die and stand in front of God. You no longer have your Apple computer or Xbox 360 in front of you. All the hours spent on Facebook and in the gym working out have faded away. Your multiple sex partners aren't by your side. Cars, trivial theological arguments, and our self inflated pride completely melt. It's you and God. As He gazes on you, you stand in awe of His majesty. Its a moment of complete, peaceful bliss, where you stand with your Creator. Then all of sudden, it fearfully hits you. The realization of what He is about to ask is to much for you. With all stripped away, you are bare before Him. You realize that excuses won't work here. Then He asks the inevitable, "What did you do for me? How many did you rescue from the very grasps of Hell's flames? How many did you lead to My Gates?" You break down weeping because you finally come to the realization that what we thought was important, is secondary to the real issue.

I for one am guilty. I have passed by poor people who are in desperate need of help, in an attempt to get to Wal-Mart so I can buy extra food for myself. That's probably one life that has been lost. In my selfishness I passed up a need and a chance to forever change someone's life. Their blood is on my hands because I failed to act. How many people, within your sphere of influence, have you let slip away? Be aware, you are responsible for those you come into contact with. Be driven with the passion that sent Jesus to the cross.

If we claim to be Christians, yet deny the very essentials of becoming like Christ, how are we any different from those who aren't in Him? I pray this is a wake up call for those who read this, because I fear that many will have a rude awakening, when they are actually told,

" I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers."

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